2024 was a historic year for groundbreaking advancements in neuroscience.
Check out the in-depth summary of the 10th Annual BRAIN Initiative Conference!
The collaboration of 19 laboratories and dozens of neuroscientists has collected data that could reveal how regions throughout the brain behave during the decision-making process.
Neurotechnology is at the forefront of scientific innovation, with implantable brain-computer interfaces (iBCIs) offering groundbreaking potential for individuals with neurological conditions.
The Dana Foundation, a leader in the emerging field of neuroscience and society, is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Hewitt to its board of directors.
In September 2023, the Dana NextGen program launched its first call for professional development award applications.
Largest study on brain aging points to possible connections between diet, inflammation, and brain health
With groundbreaking technologies promising the potential to transform lives, neuroscience and society are growing increasingly entwined.
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) and The Kavli Foundation announce the launch of a new, four-part webinar series, “Neural Adaptation in Changing Ecosystems,”.
For Leanna Kalinowski, the path to civic science started in a neuroscience lab, where she was studying the effects of methylphenidate (also known by its brand name Ritalin) on the brain.