Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Optimization of Instrumentation and Device Technologies for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
The purpose of this notice is to inform applicants of the intention to re-issue�RFA-NS-21-026 and�RFA-NS-21-027, which were recently terminated. This Notice is being provided to alert potential applicants of anticipated changes in receipt dates and updated information on FOA requirements and goals.�Previously, both�RFA-NS-21-026 and�RFA-NS-21-027�included support for molecular constructs for recording and manipulating neural activity.�However, with the re-issued FOAs, projects primarily focused on molecular technologies will only be supported by the reissue of RFA-NS-21-026.� See below for details and potential alternative FOAs for consideration.� �
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